Vomiting-induced gastric emphysema and hepatoportal venous gas: A case report and review of the literature

Malav P. Parikh, Muhammed Sherid, Venu Ganipisetti, Venu Gopalakrishnan, Maria Habib, Monika Tripathi

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

12 Scopus citations


Gastric pneumatosis is the presence of air within the wall of the stomach. It represents a spectrum of conditions ranging from benign disease to septic shock and death. Etiopathologically, it can be classified into emphysematous gastritis or gastric emphysema (GE). Along with hepatoportal venous gas (HPVG), it was considered as an ominous radiological sign and warranted an emergent surgical exploration; however, with widespread use of computerized tomographic (CT) scan, an increasing number of benign causes of GE and HPVG have been reported in the literature, where patients can be managed by noninvasive and conservative measures. We hereby describe a case where recurrent episodes of vomiting led to development of GE and HPVG and the patient was managed successfully by conservative measures.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Article number413230
JournalCase Reports in Medicine
StatePublished - 2015
Externally publishedYes

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • General Medicine


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