2023 Excitatory Synapses and Brain Function Gordon Research Conference and Seminar

Project: Research project

Project Details


Project Summary This proposal requests partial support for a longstanding, well-attended, and well-received Gordon Research Conference (GRC) on Excitatory Synapses and Brain Function on June 4-9, 2023, at Les Diablerets Conference Center in Switzerland. The GRC will be preceded by a Gordon Research Seminar (GRS) targeted towards graduate students and postdoctoral fellows on June 3-4, 2023, at the same location. Excitatory synapses are functional units that enable rapid signal transmission and communication between neurons. Through these connections, neurons establish functional circuits that process information necessary to generate all brain functions. Synapses are the target aberrant synaptic function is causally linked to several neurological and psychiatric disorders, including of many commonly prescribed medications, and schizophrenia, autism, depression, drug addiction, Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease, traumatic brain Understanding the structure and function of excitatory synapses is therefore fundamental not only to infer knowledge about brain function but also to find new therapeutic strategies for brain diseases. The conference will bring together outstanding junior and senior scientists across different disciplines including neuron biologists, anatomists, molecular and developmental biologists, biochemists, cell/molecular imagers, biophysicists and neurophysiologists with the goal of injury, stroke and epilepsy. stimulating discussions about current concepts and defining new challenges for future research. The program includes two keynote lectures and eight sessions that broadly address current issues in synaptic circuit dissection, learning and memory processes, experience- dependent plasticity, technological advances, synaptic basis of the diseases, NMDA receptor structure and function, synaptic specification and development, signaling from synapses to genes and back. In addition, poster sessions will permit all participants to contribute to these topics. Besides the invited speakers, we will select junior scientists from the submitted abstracts for short oral presentations. The program has been designed not only to highlight cutting edge approaches and to stimulate new concepts, methods and technologies within a sound biological framework of fundamental neuroscience, but also to promote underrepresented groups in science. The conference will bring together expert scientists worldwide in an environment that is conducive to discussion and exchange of ideas. The exchange of ideas at this conference has been a driving force for the field. We expect the 2023 GRC on Excitatory Synapses and Brain Function will shape future scientific directions and provide critical support for the mission of NINDS as well as other NIH institutes such as NIDA, NIMH, NICHD and NIA.
Effective start/end date4/15/237/9/23


  • National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke: $20,000.00


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