Six-year follow-up of children of mothers with chronic hepatitis c virus infection

E. Leikin, J. F. Reinus

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


OBJECTIVE: To obtain long-term tbllow-up of children of mothers who, at deli\er\. had reactive tests for anubodv to hepatitis (1 virus (HC\'), implvin chronic malenial HC\ infection. STUDY DESIGN: Seven hundred eighty-nine consecutive labor patients at \\cstchester Count) Medical Center Irom H/SI to 12/93 were tested for antibody to H(A' by enzyme-linked hnmiinosorhant assay. Babies of antiltt dy-|)ositive moihers were e\nluated peiiodicallv for clinical and laborator\ e\idence of HCV inlection indudin aniibudy 1 HCV and abnonnalitiesof the serum alanine aminotmnsfenise (ALT). RESULTS: Forty-three mother, mth antihttdy to HCV were identified, and 31 of their l)abies had six or more months of follow-up. Three of (hese babies had persistence of antibody to EK1V and one had clinical evidence of hepatitis, including abnormal ALI s. These children were, followed for five. li\r and four \ears, without loss of antibodv. No baby had an identifiable risk fat tor lor HCV infection, other than exposure to maternal blood and secretions at birth. CONCLUSIONS: Vertical transmission of HCV occurs in some cases. Infection may be associated with active maternal disease al the time of deliver.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)S37
JournalActa Diabetologica Latina
Issue number1 PART II
StatePublished - 1997

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Internal Medicine
  • Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism
  • Endocrinology


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