Role of ligandin in transfer of bilirubin from plasma into liver

A. W. Wolkoff, C. A. Goresky, J. Sellin

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156 Scopus citations


Multiple-indicator dilution studies of labeled bilirubin uptake were carried out on isolated perfused rat livers with variable ligandin concentrations (from normal and thyroidectomized animals with and without phenobarbital pretreatment). Ligandin concentrations, measured immunologically, increased 25% after thyroidectomy and approximately doubled after phenobarbital pretreatment but decreased to normal during perfusion in the thyroidectomized nonpretreated group. A distributed two-compartment model was fitted to the dilution data and estimates of influx, efflux, and sequestration coefficients were obtained. Influx and sequestration coefficients did not vary significantly between the groups. Efflux coefficients were significantly smaller (P<0.001), and hepatic ligandin concentrations were significantly larger (P<0.001) in phenobarbital-treated rats than in other groups. The efflux coefficient varied inversely with ligandin concentration and the volume of distribution in tissue, as perceived from the plasma space, increased in proportion to the concentration of ligandin. The increased net uptake of tracer bilirubin by the liver of phenobarbital-pretreated animals is due to decreased tracer efflux secondary to the increase in intracellular binding of bilirubin by ligandin.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)E638-E648
JournalAmerican Journal of Physiology Endocrinology Metabolism and Gastrointestinal Physiology
Issue number6
StatePublished - 1979

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • General Medicine


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