Resilient anatomy and local plasticity of naive and stress haematopoiesis

Qingqing Wu, Jizhou Zhang, Sumit Kumar, Siyu Shen, Morgan Kincaid, Courtney B. Johnson, Yanan Sophia Zhang, Raphaël Turcotte, Clemens Alt, Kyoko Ito, Shelli Homan, Bryan E. Sherman, Tzu Yu Shao, Anastasiya Slaughter, Benjamin Weinhaus, Baobao Song, Marie Dominique Filippi, H. Leighton Grimes, Charles P. Lin, Keisuke ItoSing Sing Way, J. Matthew Kofron, Daniel Lucas

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

7 Scopus citations


The bone marrow adjusts blood cell production to meet physiological demands in response to insults. The spatial organization of normal and stress responses are unknown owing to the lack of methods to visualize most steps of blood production. Here we develop strategies to image multipotent haematopoiesis, erythropoiesis and lymphopoiesis in mice. We combine these with imaging of myelopoiesis1 to define the anatomy of normal and stress haematopoiesis. In the steady state, across the skeleton, single stem cells and multipotent progenitors distribute through the marrow enriched near megakaryocytes. Lineage-committed progenitors are recruited to blood vessels, where they contribute to lineage-specific microanatomical structures composed of progenitors and immature cells, which function as the production sites for each major blood lineage. This overall anatomy is resilient to insults, as it was maintained after haemorrhage, systemic bacterial infection and granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF) treatment, and during ageing. Production sites enable haematopoietic plasticity as they differentially and selectively modulate their numbers and output in response to insults. We found that stress responses are variable across the skeleton: the tibia and the sternum respond in opposite ways to G-CSF, and the skull does not increase erythropoiesis after haemorrhage. Our studies enable in situ analyses of haematopoiesis, define the anatomy of normal and stress responses, identify discrete microanatomical production sites that confer plasticity to haematopoiesis, and uncover unprecedented heterogeneity of stress responses across the skeleton.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)839-846
Number of pages8
Issue number8005
StatePublished - Mar 28 2024

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