Epileptiform EEG abnormalities in children with language regression

Kathryn A. McVicar, K. Ballaban-Gil, I. Rapin, S. L. Moshé, S. Shinnar

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

73 Scopus citations


The authors examined the records of 149 children with language regression (LR) who had overnight EEG monitoring. Children with isolated LR had a higher frequency of epileptiform abnormalities (60%) than those with LR in the context of autistic regression (31%, p = 0.002) and also a higher rate of clinical seizures (33% vs 8%, p < 0.001). EEG abnormalities in the LR only group were also more prominent. This suggests two subtypes of language regression.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)129-131
Number of pages3
Issue number1
StatePublished - Jul 12 2005

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Clinical Neurology


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